Stock Mead

( $16.14 )
Model: WSHOP-2-V1

Early-summer honey at its best


Lager mead is brewed on Danish early-summer honey, which is harvested every year around May 1st. The bees nebulize primarily on meadow and field flowers. Early-summer honey is in the middle of the taste spectrum and is an overall fantastic flavor enhancer. That is why we use early-summer honey as the base in all of Mjødladen's fruit mead - and that is how the choice of base mead for Mjødladen´s selection of spice mead fell on Lagermjød.

Lager mead's light sweetness that tickles the tongue, combined with a vinous taste experience, is equal to lots of potential and different uses - it is a fantastic flavor enhancer for desserts, light cheeses etc. - and by putting it through the teste we have learned, that the world wide known dish called "leftovers on the frying pan" turns out even better with a shot of Lagermjød added.
Lager mead is to be served cool - around 5 ° C.



Weight: 1,5 kg

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