
( $16.14 )
Model: WSHOP-18-V1

With bourbon vanilla


Mjødladen´s Vanilla Mead is a fusion between our Lager Mead and bourbon vanilla extract.

The powerful bourbon vanilla cuts through the sweetness of the honey and gives a delicious mead experience. This is a clearly dessert mead. It is definitly on the sweet end of the mead-scale, and brings warmth to the whole mouth. Vanilla Mead should be enjoyed basement cold / cold, possibly enjoyed with a fruity dessert. We have been creative and have but it to the versatile-test; turns out it shines when added to homemade caramel sauce for ice cream...

  • The bourbon vanilla bean - the classic vanilla bean - comes from a Mexican orchid that is grown in many parts of the world, but primarily in Madagascar. It was first cultivated on the island of Réunion, once named Bourbon, and it is from there that the vanilla got its name.
Weight: 1,5 kg

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